Google launches $1 billion initiative to teach digital skills worldwide in light of automation

During an address in Pittsburg today, Google CEO Sundar Pichai announced several initiatives aimed at boosting opportunity and jobs in light of how technology is expected to replace many in the future. “Grow with Google” is centered around training Americans, while a grant will provide non-profits with $1 billion over the next few years.

This is the company’s largest philanthropic pledge and comes as automation — many of which are being pioneered by Google’s AI advancements — is expected to replace many workers in the United States and around the world:
We understand there’s uncertainty and even concern about the pace of technological change. But we know that technology will be an engine of America’s growth for years to come.

Grow with Google is aimed at the United States, with free training and tools designed to get a job in light of rapid technological change. The new website has sections with several programs for students, teachers, local businesses, job seekers, developers, and startups.

One particular training program is offering 50,000 Udacity scholarships for Android and web development, split between developers with no qualifications and those who already have experience.

This initiative will also be touring the country in the coming months to provide hands-on training. Meanwhile, a thousand Googlers in partnership with Goodwill will help train 1.2 million people over the next three years.

Besides the US-based program, another global effort will provide non-profits around the world with $1 billion in grants to help achieve the same goals on a larger scale and with different approaches. will use its philanthropic expertise to fund organizations working in three areas: closing the world’s education gap, helping people prepare for the changing nature of work, and ensuring that no one is excluded from opportunity. 

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